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Louodop Fotso, Patrick Herve

Function: Enseignant - Chercheur
Grade: Associate Professor
Research domains:

  • Complex Systems
  • Member

I, Patrick Louodop, defended my Master's degree in June 2008 and my Doctorate/PhD in September 2014 at the University of Dschang in Cameroon in the electronics speciality and in the research area of non-linear dynamics. I contributed to developing and analysing chaos-generating circuits and applying these in securing communication through chaotic encryption under the supervision of Professor Fotsin Hilaire Bertrand and the coaching of Professors Hilda Alicia Cerdeira and Samuel Bowong. I will do a post-doc at the Institute of Theoretical Physics/UNESP in Sao Paulo, Brazil under the supervision of Professor Hilda A. Cerdeira from April 2015 to March 2017, during which I will gradually be introduced to work on oscillator networks and the modelling of certain real phenomena. My field of research covers complex systems and control. My team and I are currently working on oscillator networks for which the oscillators and coupling forces are static and also those for which at least one of the agent positions or coupling forces is dynamic. We are gradually entering the fields of optimal control, recurrence analysis and higher-order interactions through various international collaborations.
